How to setup Starship Prompt and Zsh on Crostini

How to setup Starship Prompt and Zsh on Crostini


1 min read

Hey all! I made this guide after getting Starship successfully working on Bash, but zsh would refuse to accept the init script.

Step 0 - Set a custom password

This step is not required if you've already set a custom password for your Crostini container.

Run sudo passwd user, where user is your username.

Step 1 - Install zsh and setting as default shell

...whether it be from your package manager of choice, or from source.

Then, simply run this command to add zsh's binary to /etc/shells: command -v zsh | sudo tee -a /etc/shells

Now, set it as your default shell: chsh -s $(which zsh)

Step 2 - Install Starship Prompt

Run curl -fsSL | bash to start the installation.

To add Starship's init script to your .zshrc file, simply run one last command: echo $(starship init zsh) >> ~/.zshrc

Congrats, you're done!

Enjoy your new beautiful and blazing fast prompt with the power of Rust and zsh!